Futures Preserved

A Success Story Worth Sharing

So …. I picked up phone messages the other day and recognized a name. A note attached to the call slip said it was a former client. After some digging, it turns out I handled a couple of cases for him almost twenty years ago — which, coincidently, was about the time I hung out my shingle. 

Well, I called my former client yesterday and we had a great chat. He simply wanted to let me know how much he appreciated what we were able to do for him when he was a mixed up 20 year old without a plan. Turns out his robbery and theft charges eventually went away on what we call a deffered adjudication, and he was able to turn things around after that. Now 40, he recently graduated with a four year undergraduate degree in a highly specialized discipline, and is actively pursuing a career with top tier firms. 

He asked me if I ever hear back from folks who share “success” stories. “Every now and then,” I said, “but from two decades ago – not so much!” I didn’t remember the details or facts of the case, and though I remembered his name, I’d be lyin’ if I told you I could pick him out of a lineup. But his memory on things is pretty vivid. As a friend recently told me: “People will forget what you said; and they’ll forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” 

That phone call made me feel pretty darn good, and I’m grateful to my former client for taking the time to re-connect. 

If you have a military or criminal law situation which needs straightening out, give us a shout.  We’re at your service.

Bill Meili   214 363-1828 Office; 214 536-3888 Cell